
Shop with a Friend

star 4.8

Enable users who are undecided about product selection to invite their friends to the site via a chat module, allowing them to shop together and discuss their choices.

Enable users who are undecided about product selection to invite their friends to the site via a chat module, allowing them to shop together and discuss their choices.

Customers often hesitate when it comes to selecting products during their shopping journeys. With a chat module you'll add to your site, your users can invite anyone they want to your site via mail, WhatsApp, or social media using the 'invite' button, and upon invitation, their friends who arrive can meet on the same chat module on the site, chat with each other, and even share products they like with each other through chat. With this action, you can both facilitate the decision-making process for indecisive customers and gain new customers.

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Cart Reminder Sending reminders through different channels to users who do not complete their cart.